What Addresses are Mapped by ARP?

What Addresses are Mapped by ARP?

ARP or Address Resolution Protocol is a protocol used to map IP addresses (IPv4) to corresponding hardware addresses. This type of mapping helps devices communicate with each other over a network. While ARP is mainly used in local networks, it can also be used on larger networks. A request sent via ARP will help locate the device’s MAC address and keep track of all the mappings.

  • Example: If you want to send a file from your laptop to another computer, the ARP protocol will first determine the MAC address of the target computer and then send out an ARP request. The message is then sent through the LAN or local area network until it reaches its intended recipient.

The protocol is often seen as a way to resolve IP addresses to hardware addresses, or vice versa. It helps in connecting hosts and routers on the same local network together, allowing for communication and data transfer between them. ARP requests are also used when initializing a connection with an external network.

  • Example: If you want to reach a host with IP address, the ARP protocol will look up its corresponding MAC address and make sure that it is connected to the same local network.

By using ARP, devices can communicate on the same local network without having to do any additional lookup or configuration. This makes it easier for devices to exchange data and helps reduce latency in networks. ARP is a vital part of modern networking technology and is used widely throughout the Internet today.

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