What are the General Load Balancing Algorithms Used?

What are the General Load Balancing Algorithms Used? (Choose two)

  • Round Robbin
  • Least Connections
  • Physical distance
  • Time of the day


There are several load-balancing algorithms that are commonly used in networking:

Round Robin: This algorithm distributes incoming requests evenly across a group of servers, by sending each request to the next server in a rotating sequence.

Least Connections: This algorithm directs incoming requests to the server with the fewest active connections, in order to evenly distribute the load.

Weighted Round Robin: This algorithm is similar to Round Robin, but allows the administrator to assign a weight to each server, indicating how many requests the server should handle relative to other servers.

Weighted Least Connections: This algorithm is similar to Least Connections, but allows the administrator to assign a weight to each server, indicating how many connections the server should handle relative to other servers.

Least Response Time: This algorithm directs incoming requests to the server with the lowest current response time, in order to minimize the overall response time for the system.

Least Bandwidth: This algorithm directs incoming requests to the server with the lowest current utilization of bandwidth, in order to evenly distribute the load and prevent any one server from becoming overloaded.

The correct answer is: Round Robin, Least Connections

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