IPv4 address is a 32-bit address used to uniquely identify devices on a network. It is made up of four 8-bit octets and can be represented in dotted decimal notation. IPv4 addresses are typically assigned to devices by network administrators.
IPv4 is the most common address type used on the Internet. It has been in use since the early days of the Internet and is still the most widely used address type today. However, due to the limited number of addresses available, IPv4 is slowly being replaced by IPv6, which uses a 128-bit address.
Classes of IPv4 Address
There are three classes of IPv4 addresses:
Class A: Class A addresses are the most common type of address used on the Internet. They are assigned to large organizations with many devices on their network.
- Range of Class A: to
Class B: Class B addresses are typically assigned to medium-sized organizations. They can be used for smaller networks, but are not as common as Class A addresses.
- Range of Class B: to 191.255.254
Class C: Class C addresses are typically assigned to small organizations or individual users. They are the least common type of address used on the Internet.
- Range of Class C: to 223.255.254
What are Public IP and Private IP?

Public IP addresses are the addresses used to communicate with devices on the Internet. They are assigned by network administrators and issued by Internet service providers (ISPs).
Private IP addresses are used to communicate with devices on a private network, such as a home or office network. They are not assigned by network administrators and are not issued by ISPs.
Range of Private IP:
- Class A: to
- Class B: to
- Class C: to
Also Read: Difference between Public and Private IP
What are Classless and Classful?
Classful and classless are two methods of allocating IP addresses. Classful means that addresses are assigned in blocks, based on the class of the address. Classless means that addresses can be assigned in any size block, without regard to the class of the address.
What is CIDR?
Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) is a method for assigning addresses to devices on a network. It allows for more efficient use of address space than the traditional classful addressing system. CIDR is often used in conjunction with IPv6, as it allows for a more flexible allocation of addresses.
What is IPv4 Header?
The IPv4 header is the first 20 bytes of an IPv4 packet. It contains information about the packet, including the source and destination IP addresses, the length of the packet, and other flags. The header is followed by the data payload of the packet.